Coronavirus: Help and Resources for Businesses
During this unsettling time, It is understandable that many small business owners are currently concerned about the impact that COVID-19 may have on their business, and we are too.
The information from the government and in the media can be overwhelming, exhausting and at times contradictory, and it is difficult to know what decisions to make in regard to your business.
During these uncertain times, we want to be there for you and your business, and we want to help you as much as we can.
Useful resources
We know that running a business can be difficult at the best of times, so the current situation only makes things more challenging.
We are trying to share any information which can help business owners get through these tough times.
The government have set up a tax help line for business owners, see more here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tax-helpline-to-support-businesses-affected-by-coronavirus-covid-19
There is also a coronavirus advice helpline for Scottish businesses which business owners can call for advice about business concerns in relation to Covid-19, find out more here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-51864935
The Scottish Government have created a fund, making cash available to support some businesses through the outbreak, more info here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-51889013
Some more information about ways businesses can get help from the UK government: https://www.ft.com/content/ff00ec96-6481-11ea-b3f3-fe4680ea68b5
If you have any concerns about your business and want to talk, get in touch. You can call the office on 0131 445 1825, email info@rosslynassociates.co.uk or contact your client manager.
We understand that cashflow is one of the concerns for some of our clients at this time, with some businesses experiencing less trade/footfall. There may be some things you can do to reduce the impact of having fewer customers such as negotiating with suppliers and speaking with HMRC to agree on an instalment arrangement etc. For some general cashflow tips, take a look at our blogs here, and get in touch about cashflow management.
We’re here to help you
Please get in touch if you are unsure about anything, our number one value is relationships, and at this time we believe this is so important. Our office is now closed and all the team will continue to work from home. Thanks to the use of cloud accounting and storage, this is an option which will work to keep Rosslyn Associates running.
Complimentary Meetings
We offer Complimentary Client Reviews (CCRs) & Proactive Accounting Meetings (PAMs) to clients and non-clients respectively. These are usually a one-hour meeting to look at your business as a whole, discuss your challenges and opportunities and look at making a plan. We would like to offer these one-hour, complimentary meetings to all business owners and we would like to incorporate talking about the challenges you face or are worried about in relation to the coronavirus. Please let us know if you would like to book a one-hour complimentary session and we can schedule to have one via Zoom (video call).
Upcoming Meetings & Seminars
We are currently looking into hosting our up coming seminars online instead of face to face in our meeting room. We will keep in touch with you about any upcoming webinars and how you can get involved.
All meetings will now be held via video call or phone call. Let us know if you would like to arrange a meeting with us.
If you would like to discuss any of the above with us call 0131 445 1825 or email info@rosslynassociates.co.uk, we are happy to chat with you.